Sunday, November 29, 2015

2) My experiences with Sri Periyavar Ramamurthyji part 1

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Sri Periyavar Ramamurthyji

Chapter 1

Om Namo Narayana

"ALL INCIDENTS IN LIFE ARE PRE-DESTINED AND NOT COINCIDENCES AND NONE CAN ESCAPE". The universe is guided and controlled by a supreme power which transcends the limits of all imagination. That supreme power is GOD. I wish to place on record my personal experiences which I had, or rather still having with Sri Periyavar Ramamoorthyji of Aanmeega Nilayam, Salem.
With reference to one’s employment, one may view being transferred from one place to the other as a routine affair but it is not so. In everything which happens there is a 'DIVINE' hand that plays an important role. When I was working in Madurai district there I was blessed by a great Sadhu in the form of Sri MUNIYANDI SWAMIGAL of K.RENGAPALAYAM near Thirumangalam. I had some worldly as well as spiritual experiences with this Sadhu which I have narrated earlier.
In February 1976 it so happened that I met a gentleman who was not only an astrologer but he was also endowed with great spiritual power. Apart from telling me other things, he told me that in August that year I would get my promotion. Moreover, he also said that a great "Spiritual Force" is shaping everything for me and I was merely a tool in his hands. As Predicted by him I was posted on promotion to Krishnagiri on an elevated post and the marriage of my first daughter was conducted as well which was also professed by this gentleman. My promotion was quite contrary to the expectations of my official circle but I got it since I was destined for it.
In fact at first I felt that I had lost my connection with the Sidha Purusha Sri Muniyandi Swamigal my benefactor. I used to visit the near by Sri Murugan Temple at the evenings. In my prayers to Lord I entreated Him to give me the company of good people. One day the Poojari in the temple after showing the DEEPA ARADHANA to Lord told me, as if by intuition, that I would get my wish full filled soon.
It was a routine for me to go to a printing press the owner of which was known to me. I enquired about the availability of lime fruits, which I wanted to be sent to a temple in Unjaloor near Erode. He was good enough to arrange to send it as I desired. In the course of our conversation he made mention of a boy well known to him who had spiritual attitude. He said that his philosophical words were difficult to be followed by local people. My friend suggested that if I had no objection he would like to take me there. I willingly accepted the offer. It so happened I had few holidays for Pongal and then I decided to meet him before my proposed trip to Tiruvannamalai to have dharsan of Lord Siva as well as a visit to Sri Ramana Ashram.
One day I was taken to Aanmeega Nilayam on the Tirvannamalai Road on the outskirts of the town. I was introduced to a young boy of 18 years of age. In fact I did not prostrate before him. I simply said Namaskaram with folded hands. He welcomed me with a smile. He told me that "he knew" me long before and our connection was ages old and not at all new. But to me all his words were strange since in this life I had never been to this place at all nor had I met him anywhere.
He was good enough to extend a standing invitation to me. Then I was introduced to Sri Permual Raju, Mrs. Mahalaxmi and few other people who were also present there. After this I took leave from them and I proceeded to Tiruvanna Malai where I spent two days visiting Sri Ramana Ashram and temple. On return to Krishnagiri I decided to come to his Ashram daily. The place was on the outskirts of the town. I used to come by a cycle upto the bus stop on the main road and then used to take bus to reach the town. Then I used to walk to the Ashram and stayed there from 5 pm to 10 pm after attending my official duties.

Chapter 2

Sri Periyavar Ramamurthyji

My First Meeting with SRI PERIYAVAR:
I had mentioned earlier in short about my meeting with Sri Periyavar at Aanmeega Nilayam in Krishnagiri. It was really strange indeed. I got this through my Poorwa Punya alone. Since, this was my first step in spiritual life with our Sri Periyavar I could not decipher the real meaning of his words "OUR RELATIONSHIP IS AGED LONG" i.e it dates back to very many births. As our Sri Periyavar used to say, "IT IS NOT BLOOD RELATION BUT IT IS AATHMA RELATION WHICH KNOWS NO TIME AND DISTANCE - BEYOND ALL HUMAN CALCULATIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS".

Normally I used to go to bed by 8:30 pm but after my visit to Aanmeega Nilayam in Krishnagiri I used to spend my time till 10 pm there and at times even later but I never felt sleepy or tired. All by the grace of my master. Similarly when I was with SriMuniyandi Swamigal our meeting time was from 10 pm to 5 am and I never used to feel any tardiness. This shows that the presence of divine personalities would drive away all our sluggish and lethargic mental as well as physical conditions.

At the time of my joining the Nilayam virtually a cold war was waging between Sri Periyavar and another very powerful evil spirit. The soul was aged nearly 800 years and was doing tapas in the icy heights of Himalayas. But due to aversion towards the human species for some reason or the other he acquired powers by sapping the knowledge as well as the life of young and intelligent people. And thereby he prolonged his life all these years and acquired knowledge.
It so happened that the boy known to Sri Periyavar was seized by the influence of the monster like being through a medium. So the affected boy was brought to Sri Periyavar. Here Sri Periyavar has described the unbelievable velocity of the thought wave of that man which surpassed even the light year's speed. At the end the man who was at Himalayas came to the Aanmeega Nilayam before Sri Periyavar in the form of spirit and surrendered wishing to get only PEACE. This was assured to that spirit and thus mankind was saved from further onslaught by this evil spirit. I was the eyewitness of that episode.

One day during my visit to Nilayam I went as usual with a milk bottle. On reaching the place Sri Periyavar said, "You can go". This made me feel embarrassed. A man, who used to sit there from 5 pm to 10 pm if asked to leave the place immediately, naturally would make him feel distressed. I thought that I did something wrong or have hurt the feelings of the man who was my benefactor. When I expressed my desire to stay back he said, "IT IS LEFT TO YOU". I stayed there till 10 pm and returned to town by walk. From there I took a bus to the road junction where I had left my cycle to proceed to training center at the dam site.
It was an Ammavasai day or new moon day and there was no light. Before reaching my place I had to go over a culvert and there was no light in my cycle as well so I was going in a slow speed. I just reached the culvert and there I was stopped by a man who held the handle bar of my cycle. All of a sudden he aimed a big log of wood at me, and was about to hit my head. But at the next moment the drunken man had an inclination to have a puff from the beedi in his mouth and he inhaled it. On the glow of the light he saw my face and said, "You are not that man, you can go".
I was wondering why I was stopped and allowed to go! In the pitch darkness on an Ammavasai day, a drunkard who was armed with a dangerous weapon in the form of a big log, which could have proved to be a death stroke to anybody, but suddenly who gave him the idea to have a puff? How he could recognize me as a person other than he was expecting to give a blow? Really it was only Sri Periyavar who saved me from this deathblow. So, Guru is not confined to physical form, he is everywhere and anywhere.

I have already mentioned about the great powers of the "PEEDA". An episode happened to our Sri Periyavar. One day after his regular shave the blade was put in the glass of water. He totally forgot about that. After some time unknowingly he put his fingers inside the glass wherein the blade was in upright position. So the blade stuck in his finger in between the nails and the flesh. He could not remove it easily. So the whole area was smeared with blood. He just went and sat in his usual place. Suddenly two hands rose from the Peedam and they removed the blade and put some turmeric powder available on the wounds. Thus the bleeding was stopped and there was no scar at all. The wound also vanished along with blood.
When I went to Nilayam as usual in the evening Sri Periyavar asked me to examine his fingertips. I said that I cannot make out anything. Then Sri Periyavar explained whatever happened in the morning and how the blood was stopped and wound was cured even without any scar. So the spiritual power of Peedam could not be explained by anyone but can only be experienced by a true devotee.

There is yet another episode connected with the PEEDA which happened on a later date. I was working in T.V.Malai as Divisional Officer. A friend of mine had a very strange experience of getting reply to the questions he put to another sadhu in T.V.Malai through Sri Periyavar at sholingar. So he wanted to have dharsan of Sri Periyavar at his ashram in Krishnagiri. He had some personal as well as other problems which he wanted to discuss and he thought it better to get redress at the hands of Sri Periyavar. He came to the Ashram in Krishinagiri with the list of questions to be put to Sri Periyavar. But to his bad luck Sri Periyavar was out of station. With the heavy heart he had to return. Sri Periyavar was informed of visit of the person from T.V.Malai.
To the surprise of the man who came with a volley of questions but returned without any reply, had a letter replying all questions, which he never asked to Sri Periyavar in person. Really a wonder indeed. Sri Periyavar would simply explain in the following manner. "All come here with one problem or the other. The time, the circumstances do prevent them from asking such questions. But they leave their thoughts here". Sri Periyavar would collect all such unasked questions one by one and give the required reply even without the knowledge of anybody. For this, PEEDAM helps.

Chapter 3

Sri Periyavar Ramamurthyji

Similar experience with PEEDAM was felt by a lady in Madurai where Sri Periyavar had given a lecture for three days. The lecture took place in Tirunagar in May 1977. After a year or two the following episode happened. It was a residential school where Sri Periyavar gave lecture. The PEEDAM and the SEAT used by Sri Periyavar was preserved with all sanctity by the owners.
It was at the down stairs where a lady who was in the advanced stage of pregnancy was in very much need of food and water. But there was no one nearby. So in an unconscious state the lady put her head on the PEEDA, which Sri Periyavar used some time back for his lecture. We were told that from the PEEDAM two hands rose up with handful of edible materials and they woke up the unconscious lady and fed her. Not only that, she was also given water to drink. This was narrated to the people who were there on the upstairs by the lady herself. So the power of the PEEDA used by spiritual men could not be explained. It is beyond reason or logic. Only one can experience by oneself and this could not be explained.
Our Sri Periyavar has written about these incidents in his books. Anything used by a spiritual man if kept sacredly can do wonders. In his book he has mentioned about the cloth used by Sri Periyavar had controlled the evil spirit, which prevented a lady from sleep.

While at the training center I had bleeding piles complaint. I had to sit with great difficultly. Whenever I went to Nilayam Sri Periyavar enquired about my health. Then I told him about my health condition. He gave me "Turmeric Powder" as prasadam. I used it only three times and the wound which was projecting as the size of a ripe neem seed gradually reduced in size and came to the size of a mustard seed. But the same karma was taken by Sri Periyavar and he had to suffer for many years. In fact he had to under go an operation for that. There are very many episodes like that.

Once my third daughter, who had developed fits was taken to Sri Periyavar. As he treated me in my ailing health, so also he treated my daughter as well but her karma was also taken by Sri Periyavar and he had to suffer for 20 years due to this. He had to undergo operation and treatment for fracture of limbs caused by fits. Sri Periyavar had faced even accidents while driving the car because of that. But he was saved by the presence of his master. He was kind enough to transfer the karma from her to himself.

I shall narrate an episode where he helped me with cash of 3000 rupees. Some time back I took a loan from SBI Usilampatti for my daughter's marriage. I repaid a part of it but since I was transferred on promotion from Madurai to Krishnagiri, I could not repay the loan promptly. Usually I used to get blessing of Sri Periyavar before I used to leave Krishnagiri to come to Madurai where my family was put up. For one trip I did not do so. I did not also inform of the notice I got from the bank for the non-repayment of the loan. In the notice they had stated that my name would be reported to government for the failure of repayment of loan. I returned to Madurai on Saturday morning. Sri Periyavar sent a special messenger with 3000 rupees asking me to repay the loan taken from the bank. This was done through a special messenger. He had informed that though I did not tell him about the notice at all still he knew of it and sent the money through a special messenger.
On my return to Krishnagiri, I asked Sri Periyavar how he knew about the loan and what made him send the money through a messenger to be remitted to the bank. For this Sri Periyavar replied, "We have to take not only your spiritual development but also all your commitments". He explained that the relationship is not like others. It is not Blood relation. It is Aathama Relation. So it has no limitations at all.

Sri Periyavar always obeyed instructions of his master unmindful of the consequence that would arise. One such episode happened. Sri Periyavar had the practice of taking away Karmas of others by accepting them himself and working out that.
It so happened that I took a friend of mine who was a Sanyasi. He was forced to take that ashram. He did not like to embrace sanyasam but he did it as a compulsion. Sri Periyavar as usual took the karma of that sadhu as well. After the rituals of taking karma from the sadhu, Sri Periyavar went inside a secluded room for some time. The usual practice was that he would come out of it very soon. But on that particular day he did not come for a very long time.
We were all waiting outside for Sri Periyavar. He came out and explained to us what had happened in seclusion. He explained that other spirits surrounded him stating what he did was wrong in the case of sadhu whose karma he has taken. It was against the nature's law. One should not take the karma of either an infant or that of a sadhu. For both of them the karma was not fully ripe. In the case of the sadhu karmas were not yet over even by taking the ashram of sanyasi. Therefore the spirits prevented the soul from joining the body of Sri Periyavar. At this stage his great guru appeared and offered to give all his tapas to his devotee. He explained to them that the mission as well as the medium was both pure and so he was ready to sacrifice anything. Telling this he give all his tapas saying "Krishnarpanam". Then while uttering this word, the tapas the master did only increased and never decreased. So the other souls could not do anything and they allowed the soul of Sri Periyavar to enter into the body. Sri Periyavar who obeys the instructions of his master was always helped in his tests.

In another episode in carrying out his master's dictum he had to lose his eye sight. Of this Sri Periyavar had mentioned in his book. When he was offered the highest post of the head of universe Sri Periyavar rejected that offer and prepared to under go any difficulty or suffering given by his master. In this episode also Sri Periyavar was saved by his master.

Sri Periyavar used to take everyone by Padaya Yathra to Thirupathy in the peak of summer season. With them a doctor also used to go who was much devoted to our Sri Periyavar. During the journey by foot all the members would get blisters on their legs, which would make it very difficult for them to walk. Sri Periyavar taking pity of them would receive all their pain and the wound from their legs would be transferred to him. But in spite of all the sufferings with wounded legs, he used to walk in the scorching heat. At times he would ask the doctor in their company how the wound was. To this the doctor would reply that "it was in septic condition, which should be operated immediately, and he had to take bed rest". Sri Periyavar would laugh and say; "Everything was alright. There was no need for any surgery or rest. My master will help me to complete my mission. So there was nothing to worry at all".
Sri Periyavar would say that any suffering given by his master was like a blessing to him and he took it with pleasure and suffered it faithfully.

Chapter 4

Sri Periyavar Ramamurthyji

Sri Periyavar in the earlier days used to go for giving lecture even in the remote villages of which I shall deal separately. During such tours he would get high fever with shivering which used to make it impossible for him to sit and talk for a long time. On such occasions Sri Periyavar used to transfer his suffering to the people who accompanied him. Till such time he was engaged in the lecture the fever as well as the shivering would be borne by the person to whom it was transferred.
It would be like when we go for a bath at time we would hand over our wristwatch to somebody till we return. So also Sri Periyavar did so. He had power to transfer the suffering to others as well as to take suffering from others.

While at Krishnagiri Sri Periyavar, who also worked as a field officer, used to go by cycle. On one occasion it so happened that on his way he saw a snake and was stopped by that. Soon another snake also came. Then as destined by his guru he traveled in trance to Thirupathy to have the dharshan of Sri Balaji. Meanwhile we waited for Sri Periyavar for nearly three days. We were much anxious about his whereabouts. On the fourth day Sri Periyavar came slowly with dust smeared on all over his body. Then Sri Periyavar explained to us that what happened in those three days. "His meeting with snakes, proceeding to Thirupathy to have dharshan as guided by his master". There were many instances like this when he used to go without any prior information to places at his master's command. Yet another episode of which happened at Vridhachalam during his stay in the guesthouse at SRI KOLANJIAPPAR KOIL which I will narrate later.

I attended special classes at the Nilayam conducted by Sri Periyavar. For this the participants had to come in wet cloth and Sri Periyavar would also come like that. In such classes very many secrets of life and our connections with other planets, the working of the universe and the existence of more than one solar system apart from ours and how life existed in them, and how they affect the beings on the earth and all other aspects where given as lectures. As mentioned earlier the books I got from Sri Muniyandi Swamgial of Rengapalayam were used by Sri Periyavar for his lectures. In fact all these subject where dealt with his great guru Sri Thulasidasar who lived earlier than Sri Kamalanadhar. So in fact all his discourses were only that of his guru Sri Thulasidasar.
This connection was further clarified by Sri Periyavar who made me to request him to come and give lectures in Madurai in 1977. Of this episode I shall narrate later in detail.
Sri Periyavar who worked at block level needed to be on long leave for some reason. He could not join even after the lapse of a long gap. There was difficulty in deciding the cause of his absence. The concerned officers at district level hesitated to do this. So I represented his case. At the end the same officers had to seek redress at the hands of the Sri Periyavar. Then only those people knew the greatness of Sri Periyavar and they felt sorry for not settling the leave account of Sri Periyavar.

It was my usual practice to explain the experiences I had with Sri Periyavar. This has helped many people to come in contact with Sri Periyavar and get his blessings. Even the district as well as state level officers benefited by his dharshan. Of them a Deputy Director of Labor and Education did find a place. Through him we had an opportunity to hear the lecture of Sri Periyavar in All India radio, Madras. He was responsible to arrange for the lecture in the camps held for the benefit of laborers at various places.

Aaenmega Nilayam had published some books on spiritual subjects. Of which AANMEEGAPAATHYIL ENNA VALARCHI (Development of thoughts on spiritual path) is one. One day Sri Periyavar asked me to translate this book in English. I told him that I was not familiar with the terms mentioned in the book and other aspects connected with spiritualism. To which he replied, "MAKE EARNEST ATTEMPT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO THAT". In fact I could complete this translation in one night itself.
This book was perused by YOGI RAM SURATH KUMAR IN T.V. Malai. On my joining at the new station T.V.Malai I got blessings of that saint. Once he complemented me for the good translation and I thanked him for his kindness.

There is yet another episode connected with this publication. A student in sociology doing her Ph.d at an American University had a placement for Project study at our center in Krishnagiri. I was in charge of her training. Her joining coincided with the time when I just completed the translation of the book given to me by Sri Periyavar. She was much interested in this subject. So she was introduced to Sri Periyavar and she attended the evening classes held at the Nilayam.
Just before three days of the completion of her placement she came to Sri Periyavar who told her that he had decided to take her karma on the coming Sunday. She was in a fix. She asked me how the karma of a person could be shared by another. I said that this could not be explained. So on the fixed day she was asked to come after the bath in Nilayam itself. Then after the rituals were over Sri Periyavar enquired about her experience. She said that she felt really relieved of all her mental as well as physical burden and she had a new experience, which could not be explained in words.
This episode clearly shows that those who are destined to get an experience from a person at a particular time will get it in spite of all odds. This lady who was in United States had a placement in the remote corner of South India and that too was in a different situation. But she got an everlasting experience in life and this was indeed the working of her "Karma" and nothing else.
But in another case Sri Periyavar and I went to meet a person with prior intimation. He could not get dharshan of Sri Periyavar due to some other preoccupation for which he felt very much sorry. This clearly shows that everything is predestined. It is not our wish but it is HIS WILL.

As mentioned Sri Periyavar was in government service and was working in Hosur block. Of the various activities in agriculture under the item "Supply of agriculture implement and other items to farmers" Sri Periyavar used to collect some advance from the beneficiaries.
As he was on long leave he could not attend to that and he did not remit the advance collected in to the union treasury. The officer in charge who got the intimation of this decided to take disciplinary actions against Sri Periyavar. Meanwhile it so happened that all the beneficiaries selected under the schemes had assembled the office premises and were given their due share of agriculture items received by them. This happened even without the knowledge of Sri Periyavar. His guru took the physical form of Sri Periyavar and settled all accounts even without the knowledge of Sri Periyavar.

This reminds me of the episode of "SRI RAMADAS" a great devotee of Sri Rama. Sri Rama and Laxmana came in person in the guise of Sri Ramadas and cleared the dues and settled his account. In this case the Nawab was fortunate enough to get the dharshan of Lord in person in guise.

On another occasion all the members of Nilayam including Sri Periyavar were bedridden due to some infection. There was no one even to give food to them. One evening when I went there I saw the situation and gave them milk, which I usually brought to Nilayam. Then immediately I went to my room and prepared rice kanji with pickle and sent it through a special messenger to be taken for them. For three or four days I got the rare opportunity to give BIKSHA to Sri Periyavar and all other inmates of Nilayam. Only after the spell was over they could come out of it to attend the daily life.

There was a Sethji who had a sweet meat shop and had a flourishing business. But suddenly due to some unfortunate events his business went in failure and he lost all his wealth. He had a son who was 20 years old and he also went away without informing him. In great distress the man came to Nilayam to get some solace. Sri Periyavar took pity on him and told him that he would get information from his boy within a month. Sethji was coming daily to the Nilayam. As predicted by Sri Periyavar he got an M.O from his son that he was all right and parents need not worry about his welfare. Sethji was much pleased to hear this and thanked Sri Periyavar from the bottom of his heart.

A Muslim lady who had an abscess on her right arm was suffering a lot. The doctor said it should be operated and if required they had to remove the right hand. Her husband brought her to Nilayam. Sri Periyavar asked him to bring some castor oil in a bottle. Then he blessed the oil to be used by the lady. She did accordingly and to the surprise of all, her wound that required amputation was cured in three days with out any surgery. Thus the lady was saved by Sri Periyavar’s blessings.
After this episode the Muslim couples became much attached to Nilayam and Sri Periyavar.

Another time the same lady was down with fever and she was given dharsan by Lord Balaji at her bedside and she was presented with Guava fruit. The lady at first hesitated to take it. But on the insistence of Lord she ate the fruit. Her husband who went to get food for her from Hotel was surprised to see her sitting on the bed in good health. On enquiring she narrated the experience, and as a proof of eating the fruit she opened her mouth and smell of the fresh guava was felt by her husband.

Chapter 5

Sri Periyavar Ramamurthyji

The same Muslim couple had yet another experience. It so happened that the father of the gentleman had all of a sudden cancelled his Holy trip to Mecca. Then the gentleman came and asked Sri Periyavar whether he could go. For this Sri Periyavar told him that as per the condition laid down in the Islamic convention, i.e the learning and recital of Quran as well as to live up to the standard prescribed on the principle were must and so he could not go to the pilgrimage. Sri Periyavar said that he was prepared to go to the holy place on their behalf and narrate the experiences he would get from there. For this, he specified 7 hours of absence from Nilayam.
Sri Periyavar left his body in Nilayam for 7 hours I was incharge of the physical body as per his instuctions and he went to Mecca. But there he was not allowed in by the Holy spirits informing him that he was not a true Muslim and he had neither recited Quran nor lived by it. Then Sri Periyavar thought of his Master and he gained the knowledge of Quran and he received a non-stitched dress as well which was used by the Haj Pilgrims. After this he was allowed for Haj and he was shown all the important places like black wall, the well and other places. Sri Periyavar on return after the stipulated time of 7 hours came and entered into his body again. He took classes on Quran to the Muslim Couple at the cabin of the cinema theatre. It was because the Quran should not be either read or explained by anyone other than a Muslim. So Sri Periyavar’s leaving his body and going to Mecca in the form of spirit was a great feat indeed.

Yet another incident happened in another Muslim family. The daughter of the Muslim's friend who was only 6 years of age got the great power of not only reciting the 'Thirukkural' by heart but she could also answer any question on it and she would complete any quotation from the great book if any one asks to do so.
All this spiritual power she got only by the sincere devotion towards Sri Periyavar. Even at the age of 6 years doing this great task is really a wonder and only due to poorva punya she got such knowledge.

One day a Muslim who used to do the various duties according to the principles laid down in Quran came to meet Sri Periyavar. He was an industrialist. Sri Periyavar put a garland on the neck of the Muslim. He used to pray with a sword in his room. On returning to his residence he put the garland given by Sri Periyavar on the sword and the sword began to speak to him about the great power of Sri Periyavar. The Muslim friend on his next trip to Nilayam read out the poem on Sri Periyarar composed in Urdu. Sri Periyavar would bless all irrespective of the religion, caste, creed and even nationality and this shows that religion had a no role to play in Nilayam.

At the Nilayam there was a devotee who had a relative in Malaysia. So he went there for a short stay. One day he misplaced his important record about his identity. So, when he was caught by the authorities he could not produce the same. But instead he had the photo of SriPeriyavar. He accidentally took it out and showed the same to the authorities to be the identification card. So, our friend was let off without insisting on showing the relevant record.
Sri Periyavar though living in Krishnagiri helped a devotee abroad by giving the identity, which helped him even though it was only a photo of him.

One day Sri Periyavar presented a PAADHAM to me. He said I was destined to get it and even though another person had asked for itl;;;;;……..gvgb, he was not blessed and so he gave it to me, which I kept safely.

Sri Periyavar who had been to Haridwar presented me with a copper pot filled with "Ganga jala", a very sacred thing for us. I kept it safely as a token of his blessings. All items touched by our Sri Periyavar are indeed very sacred and one cannot explain that by words or in writing. But one can surely experience. However small that may be, the vibrations from such objects would be felt by any one even after the lapse of many years.
As our Sri Periyavar used to say it is the mental attitude that counts much more than any other aspect. A good pious thought do have the intrinsic value just as a currency though a metal or a paper the value is immeasurable.

One day all of a sudden Sri Periyavar called me and told that we would proceed to Tiruppathy. As we could not get any advance reservation in the route buses we started our journey by a lorry and reached Aambur. From there we got a bus to the temple Tirumalai. We reached to Tirupathy by 3.30 AM. There was a long queue with the special tickets for dharsan whereas we had none.

The queue took a 'U' shape and we were first from the last. The person at the main entrance asked us to enter first whereas persons who had bought tickets on higher denominations had to take the next chance.
So, also at the Sanctum sanctorum we were allowed to stand and have Dharsan more than the usual time. All by the goodness of Sri Periyavar who has the rare privilege of the nearness and dearness of the Lord. This was told by Sri Yogi Ram Surant Kumarji of Thiruvannamalai. After getting the dharsan we returned to Krishnagiri.

This time I was at Vridhachalam, I had a vow to be fulfilled in doing ANGAPRADHASHANAM by my daughter whose marriage was conducted against odds but by the blessings of Sri Periyavar, who conducted the marriage. It is a different episode by itself of which I shall narrate later. We all went by car and reached the holy place at the proper time for "SUPRABATHAM" darshan. We had a good dharsan this time as well.

After retirement I was at Dharmapuri. Sri Periyavar arranged a trip to this holy place by 3 mega vans. We took a big room belonging to the Devastanam. In this trip Sri Periyavar had decided to attain oneness with Sri Moolavar at this holy place. He did not disclose it to anybody. He suddenly called me and handed over the wooden box containing the holy Japa Malai, the RUDRAKSHA MALAI presented to SriPeriyavar at PASUPATHEESWARAR TEMPLE at NEPAL. Sri Periyavar entrusted the same to me telling to keep it safely. Every one was wondering at this time since he had never been without the Japa Malai all these years. Sri Periyavar told his decision of attainment of oneness with Sri Balaji as in the case of SriRamalinga swamigal of Vadalur who attained samadhi in the form of "Jothi". All of us entreated SriPeriyar not to do so since many people are yet to be blessed by him. Sri Periyavar accepted our pleading with great reluctance. But he asked me to keep the box containing the Radraksha for some time. I was thus blessed to have the same for more than a fortnight.

This trip took place in 1999. Sri Periyavar conducted a large scale yaga of Sudharsana chakra of Lord Krishna for the well being of the universe as a whole. For this purohits were brought from Salem and other places. For this also I had the fortune to attend this great yaga and get the blessings of Sri Periyavar.

While at krishnagiri Nilayam Sri Periyavar during his trance in pooja called me and gave me the Mantra upadesam. This was a very sacred one and I cherished it as a great gift given by my master.
After this episode Sri Periyavar told me that "Those who deserve to get it would get it at any cost". This is a very great thing to have in my life. Just as I had to mention upadesa from Sri Muniyandi swamigal of which I had dealt in detail in my previous narration. In this case I am really blessed to have the Mantra upadesa of the great guru of Sri Muniyandi swamigal and Sri Periyavar. I had narrated about their connection elsewhere in our Sri Periyavar's trip to Madurai when he threw light on this subject in detail.

Sri Periyavar took part in the anniversary of Sri Muniyandi swamigal’s samadhi at Rangapalayam in Madurai District. On this occasion Sri Periyavar extolled the greatness of SriMuniyandi swamigal and blessed all who took part in the celebration.

Chapter 6

Sri Periyavar Ramamurthyji

While our discussion Sri Periyavar informed me that I would return to Tiruvanamalai only in a car to be purchased by me. In fact I had no idea of this. But as predicted by SriPeriyavar a friend of mine helped me to get a Fiat car. I shall narrate few episodes connected with my car later. All these episodes were true and they happened in the presence of SriPeriyavar.

Earlier I have mentioned that during the classes which our SriPeriyavar took at Krishnagiri I used to ask him whether he would give lecture in Madurai as well. In fact this was prompted by Sri Periyavar himself, since he wanted to disclose the secrets about the great guru SriThulasidharar as well as SriKamala Anandar, the great guru of SriMuniyandi swamigal. Therefore he made me without myself being conscious of it to request him to arrange the lectures in Thirunagar in Madurai where I lived. So after obtaining permission from Sri Periyavar, on my trip to Madurai I contacted few people whom I knew very well. One was owner of a press, a popular figure of that locality. Another was a professor who had the power of intuition and would tell things merely by seeing the face of a man.
When I opened the topic to the friend, the press owner, his reply was not positive. He told me that only recently SriSankarachariar of Kanchipuram had visited the place and he would not have any other person of whom he had no knowledge for discourse. To this I extended an invitation to all who wish to have an experience with Sri Periyavar to come to Krishnagiri. They agreed and accordingly two of them came to Krishangiri Dam and were my guests. I sent a word about the arrival of the guests to Sri Periyar at the Nilayam. SriPeriyarar along with his maternal uncle and others came to the Dam.
We had a boat trip in the water at the Dam. Here a wonder occurred. Altogether we were 7 persons but I purchased 8 tickets for the boat journey. So, also in the lunch I had ordered and prepared leaves for 8 persons whereas we were 7 persons.
For this SriPeriyavar explained that his guru SriThulasidasar was also present with us but was invisible to all. Yet his presence was felt by all since vibration of his presence was so fascinating. All of us experienced a strange feeling. All were happy which could not be explained in words.
After the lunch we visited Aanmeega Nilayam at Krishnagiri. The guests were much pleased and they promised to fix a date for the lecture by Sri Periyavar in Thirunagar, Madurai. Accordingly the dates for the lecture were fixed on May 21, 22 and 24, 1997.

On the appointed day Sri Periyavar came from Krishnagiri to Madurai by bus. The press owner and I went to receive him and was comfortably accommodated in a separate house with all the facilities.
All were sitting on a carpet when the professor came to see Sri Periyavar. I introduced Sri Periyavar to the professor. Then Sri Periyavar just left us to have a bath. I casually asked the professor who had power of intuition, simply by seeing the face that what was his opinion of Sri Periyavar? His reply was HE IS UNFATHOMABLE AND THERE IS NO YARDSTICK TO MEASURE HIM. Such was the spiritual aura of Sri Priyavar. Though he looked as a normal being but he was really unfathomable indeed. He used to be a friend to all and yet he was very far away from the normal way of thinking as well as values of ordinary worldly life.
We asked the guests to take rest and went to arrange for the seating arrangement at the Dias and other items. Here I have to make a mention that originally the venue of discourse was a temple. But since the erstwhile Principal of Madurai Arts College who was also an honorary head of an educational institution by name Anandha Matriculation School in Thirunagar offered to accommodate and conduct the lecture in his premises so we accepted the offer. As that was vacation period all the halls as well as other facilities were easily available. The arrangement was actually planned by Sri Periyavar which he told us later after his first day’s lecture.

It was a place where elite audience well placed in society with high responsibilities came. In fact some of them were ready to put the guest Sri Periyavar to test by asking many question and put him in an awkward position. But I knew very well that Sri Periyavar though young in age would face any situation bravely and so did it happen.
Contrary to the expectation of all who wanted to put question to Sri Periyavar, got replies in his speech itself, which no one expected at all. All were spell bound and the lecture was welcomed by all irrespective of the personal likes and dislikes. It was indeed a great thing to face such situation. After the lecture was over, Sri Periyavar gave chance to audience for any clarification in his lecture. To the astonishment of all nobody came forward to ask any question since all doubts were cleared in the lecture itself. Sri Periyavar gave "Turmeric powder" to all with good thought. This made them bring others also to hear the lecture.

The truth was otherwise. Great Guru of Sri Periyavar, Sri Thulasidasar after attaining GNANA wanted to speak out his experience to all at this place where long back there was a thick forest without any habitation. After so many thousands of years Sri Periyavar disciple of Sri Thulasidasar was made to give lecture at the same spot where he wanted it to happen. This secret was told by Sri Periyavar.

Another episode happened on that day. The host who came to welcome us had already booked a ticket to go to Karur but on hearing Sri Periyavar’s speech which attracted him very much he decided to cancel his trip. He was with us on all the days. Sri Periyavar in his speech had mentioned all who attended the lectures were blessed and those all did not attend the meeting quite eagerly for some reason came by compulsion or just to spend time.
Even though all were physically present they would not have equal receptive capacity. For this, previous karma in the form of SAMSKARAS does play a great part. Those who are deeply involved are capable of assimilating all the truth. The host on hearing the lecture was merely astonished. All the words in the lectures were taken by him as it was said for him.
Sri Periyavar told the host that he would take his Karma. The host replied that when he was a devotee of another saint how he can allow his karma to be taken by another sadhu? For this I told him that there was no difference between sadhus and it was permissible.
Then when I remarked casually "My telegram has worked" the host was astonished to hear the same words that were used in the book "THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI" BY SRI MAHAN PARAMAHAMSA Yoganandha. I replied that I had read the book many times. At last the host accepted the offer made by Sri Periyavar for taking his karma by him.

2rd DAY'S LECTURE - May 22nd 1977 lecture at Tirunagar:
The discourse time was from 6 pm to 8 pm. So in the morning there was enough time to spare. Suddenly Sri Periyavar asked me whether we could go to the samadhi of Sri Muniyandi Swamigal. Immediately I made arrangements with the help of our host. Three cars were arranged and apart from the guests from Krishnagiri others also came. Of them the professor and a regional agent for Nutrient sweets were also with us.
First we all went to the place where Lord Vinayagar was sitting under the peepal tree. On reaching there I explained where Sri Muniyandi Swami’s great guru Sri Kamalandhar gave dharshan to our Swami. Suddenly Sri Periyavar said that his guru and Sri Muniyandi swamigal's guru where the same but they lived at different ages of which Sri Thulasidhasar guru of Sri Periyavar was the senior. Then he explained that the idol of Sri Vinayagar was installed by his guru Sri Thulasidasar many ages back.
All of a sudden another person who was the Regional Manager for Nutrient sweet began to weep like a child and told us that he had some connection with this place in his previous birth. As his association with this place was so close he broke down. Sri Periyavar immediately consoled him and said all are in the some way or other are connected with this place in previous births and so all had come to re-live the experiences. I showed the samadhi place of Sri Kamalanandhar the great guru of Sri Muniyandi Swamigal as Sri Periyavar already located this place. Firstly Sri Muniyandi Swamigal was given dharshan by Sri Kamalandhar when he was a boy rearing the cows for grazing. I took all of them to the PEEDAM of the Goddess Vadakathiaamman, the place where I had so many experiences with our Swami of which I had already narrated earlier. Sri Periyavar sat there for meditation for some time and explained us that even to this day great sadus are doing tapas at the same spot. Thus we spent the morning, usefully in the company of Sri Periyavar and returned to Thirunagar for lunch.
At the evening lecture Sri Periyavar gave an extempore and all were attracted. I heard a part of audience telling that the period of lecture was so short and they requested to extend the stay of Sri Periyavar. But Sri Periyavar who had other engagement could not do so.
So also the second day the lecture was well attended. Sri Periyavar at the end the lecture asked that anybody who wanted any clarification might do so by contacting him through letters. Many people did benefit by such advice given by Sri Periyavar.

On the 3rd day of discourse the attendance was the most. As mentioned earlier some of them clarified their doubts with Sri Periyavar. All were attracted by the mere look, pleasing manners and words coming out of his mouth from the depth of his heart. Thus the trip to Madurai as planned by Sri Periyavar ended very successfully and was an eye opener for many in their spiritual path. Further, that gave good Sri Periyavar good opportunity to expose many hidden secrets of his master as well as Sri Muniyandi Swamgial.

After the discourse for three days the host and his family got much attached to Sri Periyavar. At one time the housewife had an unbearable headache. Then I was told by her that she just prayed to Sri Periyavar and she got relief by hearing the voice of Sri Periyavar in her ears "the same would be stopped soon". That lady was relieved of the headache. Thought power of Sri Periyavar travels in a very high frequency more than that of even light year’s speed. Only experience can tell us how it occurred.
I have already narrated about the experience one pregnant lady had after her head touching the PEEDAM where Sri Periyavar lectured. This helped her to recover from the unconscious stage by timely getting food and water.

I had an idea to construct a house in Thirunagar for which I gave some advance. But all of a sudden I had to conduct my first daughter's marriage. So I had to dispose of the plot. Sri Periyavar who knew this immediately decided to come over to Madurai to settle the issue. But to my surprise even before he started from Krishnagiri the issue got settled without any loss to me. I immediately sent a telegram stating the settlement by the blessing of Sri Periyavar. So when one of his devotees is at difficultly Sri Periyavar steps in to help him.

Sri Periyavar one day told me that I was to be transferred and to be posted in charge of a division. I told him that I was not interested since such a posting would be a great headache from the political people.
I will not be able to do justice to my job because of the interference of the party men. But Sri Periyavar said that I had to go as per laws of the karma. Then he asked me to which place I wanted the posting. I requested, either to be retained there or to be posted to Madurai District where my family was put up. For this he said "Won't you go elsewhere?" Then I replied that Sri Periyavar asked me to express my opinion, which I did and it was left to Sri Periyavar now to decide. He told me that I would be posted to T.V.Malai Division where I had to discharge a mission. I kept mum. Soon as predicted by Sri Periyavar I was transferred to T.V.Malai though my department people at the state level programmed otherwise.
This is a great chapter where I had very many spiritual experiences. I had the blessing of yet another sadhu Sri YOGI RAM SURATH KUMAR or godchild of T.V. Malai. Earlier in another narration of Sri Munyandi Swamigal of Rengapalayam, one day he told me that I should accompany him to Poondi in T.V.Malai District which was near kalasapakkam. Even though I could not physically accompany him in my very first visit before taking charge of the division a friend of mine took me to have a dharsan of "SRI POONDI MAHAN OR AATHU SWAMIYAR". This happened as predicted by our Sri Muniyandi Swamigal.
Before taking official charge of the division I had to meet the district collector at Vellore. On our way as suggested by my friend, I went to have the blessing of Sri Poodi Mahan. I immediately thought of Sri Muniyandi Swamgal who wanted to accompany me to this place. As usual I went with fruits and flowers. He was sitting on the Verandha of a house.
I was told that he was taken from near a river where he was meditating under the heap of sand. When some one was digging they met with head of the sadhu bleeding. So he was taken out and was placed in front of the house. From that day onwards he was sitting on the same spot. On seeing me he just laughed. He uttered NALLATHU NALLATHU. I prostrated before him and he blessed me. He gave me some fruits from the heap before him. All around him there were heaps of fruits lying there days together without even a single fruit getting rotten. Yet another miracle was that he never took bath for days but there was no bad smell being emitted from his surroundings or from his body. I took the blessing of sadhu and proceed to Vellore to meet collector.
It was really a good beginning for me to get the blessing of the great sadhu and it was really golden period as for as my spiritual life was concerned. As per Sri Muniyandi Swamigal's wish I got the darshan of this great saint also thereby his words were kept up even after 7 years of his samadhi.

1 comment:

  1. Periyavar Sharanam! Our family was extremely blessed to see him frequently..
