Thursday, December 10, 2015

I hope that my experiences have helped you discover more about these SiddhaPurushas(Enlightened souls who have descended onto this Earth to help humanity).

Here is the link for the softcopy of the book that I intend to publish:

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

4) My experiences with Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji


Yogi Sri Ramsurat Kumarji


Chapter 1

Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji

My Experiences with My Master:
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Though I have very little to claim, but I must submit that I got such everlasting and enthralling experiences in my life only by the Grace of my Master. I have a strong belief that everything happens only by Master's will. It was my good fortune that I got opportunity to meet my Master and thereby I enjoyed the 'Bliss' of their Grace. The Saints, who are the well-wisher of mankind, utilize human beings to serve the cause of the Almighty. Such was my case. In fact it was really strange that even in official work the Master's will prevailed.
In the case of a Gazette Officer, the posting would be done by the concerned departmental Chief. But the Saints who have knowledge of past, present and future events, at times intervene in the case of devotees to fulfill the "WILL OF GOD". We are merely tools, just like chess coins, in their hands in the game of life. The same happened to me also.

Posting to Tiruvannmalai:
Another Saint with whom I have the rare privilege of association, one day asked me that "Where do you want your posting?". I replied that I would like the place where my family was put up or the place nearby that of the Saint’s. Then he asked me, "Won't you go to any other place?". I replied that I was asked to express my desire and so I did, but I will go where my benefactor wishes. I was told that I should go and join at Tiruvannamalai to fulfill a "Mission". In fact, in the official circle I was about to be posted at a distant place.
I joined the new office as a Divisional Officer in charge of nine Panchayat Development Blocks. I never thought that I would meet my Master here, but God willed so.

First Meeting with Sri Swamiji:
Before joining the office, on the previous day evening I was taken to Sri Arunachaleswara Temple by my friend. Just as we entered the gates of the temple we saw a Yogi standing before us. My friend told me that Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar, a great living Saint was standing before us. I just touched the Lotus Feet of Sri Swamiji. The very touch and the very look were like the sight of divinity. The smile itself was all quite meaningful and capable of communicating so much that even well thought out words would not be sufficient to express that much. Then Sri Swamiji asked me whether I was the same person who has translated the Tamil Book of Sri Periyavar Ramamurthy of Krishnagiri into English, which Swamiji happened to receive from another devotee. I just nodded. Sri Swamiji then told that the translation of the book entitled "ANMA PATHAIYIL ANMA VALARCHI" done by me was quite good. I thanked Sri Swamiji for the complements. This was our first meeting. I met Sri Swamiji at his residence. I had the good fortune to go there almost every day while I was at the Head Quarters and got his Blessings. So to say I made it a duty to go and sit at the Lotus Feet of the Great Master.

Chapter 2
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji

Accepting our Bhiksha:
One day I casually asked Sri Swamiji's permission to bring some food for him. Sri Swamiji was kind enough to accept my offer. But he put a condition that either my wife or any other family member should cook the food and bring to him and he will not accept the food from anyone else. I gladly accepted the same and requested my wife to prepare some chapatti with dhal as side dish and brought it on the same evening. Sri Swamiji accepted it and we were all much pleased since our humble offerings were accepted and thereby we were blessed.

Continuance of Bhiksha:
Then I made it a point to bring food for him every day from thereon. After two days Sri Swamiji asked, "Oh, this beggar thought you would bring food for only one day. But now you want me to accept it daily and that too two times a day. All right, It is my Father's wish. You can bring food till you desire". Thus I got a golden opportunity elevating and enriching myself physically, mentally and spiritually, a rare privilege one could ever dream of.

Occasional refusal of Bhiksha:
In this connection I have to mention that at times Sri Swamiji would not have the food which will be kept and he will take it only if anyone nearby reminds him. Even then something would be left behind to be eaten by the faithful dog "Sai Baba" which Sri Swamiji had kept since longtime.

My daughter's experience:
There were occasions when Sri Swamiji refused to take the food taken by my two daughters who were studying in the nearby High School. Sri Swamiji will simply touch the food and ask my daughters to take it home to be distributed among us. They would come and cry that Sri Swamiji has not eaten anything. We would console them by saying that the Bhiksha has been accepted by Swamiji since he has touched the food and has thus blessed all of us.

Special Privilege:
At times there would be delay in sending back my daughters who had to attend their classes by 9:00 am. On such occasions even the regular classes would commence late as if to wait for my children. It was all due to the Blessings of Sri Swamiji that even in small things such as attending school in time my daughters were helped.

Master Omni present:
On one occasion when a devotee requested to accept the food offered, he remarked that if the same is placed before Sri Swamiji's photo that would be accepted without any doubt. Anything offered with "Shradha" or sincerity would be accepted irrespective of time and distance. This reminds me of Lord Krishna's utterances in The BHAGAVTH GEETHA "Pathram, Pushpam, Phalam, Thoyam yo may Bakthiya Prayachithi, thadaham...". It is the spirit with which the work is done and not the outer or superficial show.

Fond of KANJI:
Sri Swamiji who lived for some time in Kerala wass fond of "KANJI" made of rice gruel. We used to serve this in the night and it would be a pleasant sight to see Sri Swamiji drinking it by pouring in the coconut shell. This would fill our mind with satisfaction as well as pleasure to see that our offerings were accepted however small it was. It was comparable to "Sudama"(Kuchelar) offering "Aval"(beaten rice) to lord Krishna.

Refusal to Take Bhiksha:
One day I took Sweet Pongal for Sri Swamiji on an auspicious day. Sri Swamiji was not there since he had gone out somewhere. So in the meantime I was speaking with a friend in the neighborhood. Sri Swamiji who saw me there got furious without any reason and said you can take it back. But in my utter helplessness I simply cried. Sri Swamiji who took compassion on me accepted the food. At times when someone disturbs his mental disposition Sri Swamiji would act as if affected and will scold us. But it was all just for a second. He would compose himself soon and console us.

Chapter 3
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji

Daily Darshan of the Master:
Before starting my official work I made it a point to meet Sri Swamiji and get his BLESSINGS to carry out my task for public good. I cannot say I succeeded every time. Most of the times Sri Swamiji would be pre-occupied with some problem of the devotees or of the nation. On such occasions it would be very difficult even to have his DHARSHAN. All depends upon our luck.

Sri Swamiji’s Blessings:
Whenever I met Sri Swamiji in the morning hee would ask me "Anything Special?". If I had any problem I would explain it and the reply would be simple but impregnated with DIVINE GRACE. The words "FATHER IS WITH YOU OR FATHER WILL GUIDE YOU" are hundred percent correct. All official problems however difficult or complicated would be solved in a miraculous way, which could not be explained or reasoned out by any one. But only who knows the truth or have experience of this kind could understand the depth of this.

Special Occasion:
During the 'Small Savings' drive or the settlement of Audit objections, or Honorable Minister's visit I would simply pray for the blessings of Sri Swamiji so that the result would be spectacular. In the Panchayat Development Division during my tenure the result achieved was really commendable in accordance with the inspection report. I would contribute this to the "DIVINE GRACE".

Contribution for National cause:
During the small Savings Drive Sri Swamiji would give just a rupee saying that it was a mendicant’s contribution towards the "National Cause". By such act of kindness I used to over reach the target in my division. If it is not DIVINE GRACE then what else.

Settlement of Audit Objection:
In the Government office the settlement of audit objection, which were long pending, used to be a real headache to the officers at any level. It was due to the fact that the relevant records would have been lost or destroyed due to passage of time or misplaced never to see the light of the auditors. DIVINE GRACE to the astonishment of the auditors settled even such objections. The settlement of Local Fund Audit as well as Accountant General Section was to the tune of 98% figure which was never dreamt in the history of that division. All due to Master’s Grace.

Integrated Rural Development Program:
A most important achievement that happened during my period in that division was the accomplishment of target given under "Integrated Rural Development Program" which was a new scheme introduced by the Govt. of India in T.V.Malai Division. This was one of the selected areas among the few for the implementation of the program. As usual I prepared the scheme and put it in the shape of booklets in bonded volumes. I placed the booklets before Sri Swamiji for getting the "Divine Blessings". Sri Swamiji just placed his stretched palm over the bundle saying that "YOUR DIVISION WOULD STAND FIRST IN THE STATE. FATHER WILL HELP YOU TO DO THIS". To the astonishment of all Tiruvannamalai stood third in the Nation, the greatest honor any government official could dream of. All by the DIVINE GRACE. Great Men like my Master does help those who are engaged in the Nation Building Activities.

Supply of Heifer Calves:
At this juncture I have to make a special mention about an important incident which was great feet even according to departmental people. Of the various schemes there was one as "Supply of Milch Animals" to selected beneficiaries under Animal Husbandry Scheme. For this the Central Co-Operative Bank, Vellore through their village units was responsible for providing loans. This was a vast cumbersome and long drawn process. The beneficiary should prepare a loan application after observing all formalities like the production of revenue records relating to land to be mortgaged, the production of Encumbrance Certificate for 13 Years getting it from concerned Sub-Registrar's Office. He has to secure the certificate that he has no encumbrance or over due. Besides this a surety needed to be satisfied as per the Co-operative Bank rules. This application had to be accorded individual sanction at the village level and then by the concerned union level and finally by the Special Officer of Co-operative Central Bank of the District at Vellore.
Even as per the norms and practice it would take a month to sanction one loan. I had to get sanction for 106 such applications which came from the various villages and that too within a day. A herculean task indeed. That "MIRACLE" did happen. All the application forms from the village level reached the District Bank the very same night after observing all the formalities as per department and bank norms. The Special Officer sanctioned the 106 loans and he gave us a Demand draft for 106000 rupees which was a huge sum indeed. Than animal husbandry department who got the D.D. deputed a special department man to HARYANA in North to get the required number of 106 animals. Only the GRACE OF OUR MASTER could do all this.

Chapter 4
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji

Report by the bank Secretary:
The Assistant Secretary of the District Co-operative Bank Vellore Sri Viswanathan, who met Sri Swamiji informed that such an episode never happened in the annals of the Co-operative department. The same officer was an eyewitness to all the proceedings involved from the village level to the District level and so he could not believe his own achievement. He was spell bound on the completion of this process. On hearing the above account as narrated by the co-operative Bank Official Sri Swamiji laughed loudly in his own peculiar manner saying "ALL IS FATHER'S LEELA". Father does everything for the sake of devotees.

Blessed All:
The grace of Sri Swamiji to our family was in full without any reservation. It was felt even to his day-nay-every living second. Sri Swamiji used to say that "SHRADDHA" or devoted single mindedness can do wonders, if one surrenders to Master in TOTALITY and UNCONDITIONALLY. One is given protection in mundane and spiritual life without any doubt.

Personal Problem:
During my stay at Tiruvannmalai and even after that till this moment Sri Swamiji is giving us physical a mental strength to meet any circumstances. He leads us like a father holding our hand in the midst of happenings in the strange world full of problems. In his own words "You will be protected like a tree is protected by its bark". There is no doubt about it. You have to surrender yourself without any reservation. There are many episodes that are still green in my memory which time cannot destroy. They are so indelible and everlasting.

The power of the word "GURUNATHA":
One such episode happened when I was working in Tiruvannamalai Division. I had jurisdiction in the 'Jawathu Hills'. It was drought time. Water scarcity was very acute. In order to provide drinking water we had to resort to digging wells in the hilly area, as the rigs could not have access. In one village, Jamna Maruthur, the work for digging of well was in progress. The terrain was quite rocky measuring 20 feet depth. I went for inspection with the block staff. The road inspector Sri Kuppusamy who came forward to measure the depth of the well with a measuring tape was wearing rubber chappals. When he placed his leg on the well gravel, he slipped. In his attempt to escape from falling in to the well he turned around facing us.
He had almost reached the brink of the well (ground level). But this only accelerated the speed of falling. He lost balance. The situation was so dangerous but no one could go near him and help him out. Every one stood with open mouth including me and not knowing what to do. I simply called out "GURUNATHA" in utter helplessness. Sri Kuppusamy who was about to fall into the well at his back, was stopped by an unknown "DIVINE FORCE" and he walked up the distance and came to us safely. It was really miraculous escape. There is no explanation as to how it happened. When asked he said that an unknown force dragged him out and he simply came with great ease and without any effort from his part. It was only the "Grace of Master" that saved the man from his fall to death in an open well.
On returning to Head Quarters I narrated this episode and to Sri Swamiji that how the man was saved from the jaws of death. Sri Swamiji smiled and laughed loudly in his inimitable manner.

Trip to Parwatha Malai:
This episode happened on the "Maha Sivarathri Day", a day very auspicious for those who worship Lord Siva. There is a Holy place on the hills called "Parwatha Malai" near Kadaladi Village in Tiruvannamalai Division. The local people who were known to me invited me to visit this Holy place on the auspicious day of 'Mahasivarathri'. I gladly accepted the invitation. My wife and I went to the bottom of the hill in my car and from there we had to climb up nearly 750 to 900 steps. At some place the climb was so steep that one would feel giddy if not accustomed to such experiences. There was a place called "ladder climb". There were peg like remains of the crow bars fixed to climb up which had been stolen away by miscreants, leaving back very small projections to hold on to climb.
Since it was difficult to go further up, we were about to return when my wife said that by the Grace of our Master we could accomplish this. So we did it and reached the height where we had nice breeze and pure drinking water from the nearby natural spring. Above all we got the rare Dharsan of Lord Shiva and Parvathi. We spent the entire night there itself praying to Lord and came down only in the next morning. We could achieve this only by the Grace of my Master who though not physically present with us helped us to overcome the hurdles by the remembrance of his Holy Name. On return to Head Quarters I narrated this episode to Sri Swamiji and he simply laughed and blessed us.

Chapter 5

Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji
Herculean Task:
This episode also happened in Tiruvannamalai Division in the same 'Jawadhi Hills'. But the site of the occurrence was in another block area some distance away.
One day I received a petition from the people of that area that someone was conducting unauthorized shandy in these hills in the Polur Block area. Usually such shandy (weekly) is permitted only after undergoing so many formalities and with prior permission of the authorities concerned.
I went for spot inspection in the Block in a Jeep. The Block’s Social Education Organizer and the Jeep driver were with me. It was dark and cloudy. While returning in the ghat road on the way back, we were blocked by the falling of a big tree due to a land side which was a usual feature in hill area after a downpour of rain. It so happened that there was no room left for our jeep to pass. We got down from the vehicle and were just inspecting the spot. The tree that was lying was a huge one. Added to this there were at least 5 or 6 lorry loads of mud heaped on it. Even with all our efforts and materials like Axe, Mammutti, and Knife etc it would have taken at least 5 to 6 hours to clear the way. It was getting dark as well. I had to return to my camp Head Quarter at Jamna Maruthur before 8:00 pm to attend an urgent meeting of Panchayat Presidents and villagers regarding the drought condition, supply of drinking water to villagers etc.
At that juncture one villager who was a tribal was coming in a cycle from the other side, which was a rare sight in a hilly area. On seeing the road blocked he stopped and asked us about the problem. I said that due to the tree fallen on the road we were not able to go to the other side to precede our journey and reach our destination. The tribal man went to the other side and stood before the tree where the branches were buried. He simply pulled the huge tree single handedly as if he was "Bheemasena of Mahabhatatha" or "Hercules" in the lore's. The whole lot moved off slowly and made way for our vehicle to pass with no difficulty at all. The huge tree and the heap of mud on it was simply set aside, a task which could never be dreamt of even with the help of 20 well strengthed persons and with all accessories. The vehicle passed the point. Suddenly the villager left the hold. The tree came to its former position. Then he simply took his cycle and was about to go. We thanked him for his precious and timely help. He would not have gone just 10 feet that he simply vanished in to the thin air. Sri Swamiji has thus helped us to get out of this situation as well. Such was the kindness of our Master.
On returning to Head Quarters I narrated this episode to Sri Swamiji for which he simply laughed in his own inimitable manner. This reminds me of his Sanskrit Sloka "Vane Rane, Sathru Jala Agni, Madhame...". The remembrance of our Master will help us in working out our Karma and will help in discharging our legitimate duties without any hindrance.

Timely Help by Sri Swamiji:
This happened in South Arcot District, Chidambaram. I had the election duty during here during the general elections. I was the Asst. Returning Officer for the Assembly Constituency. I had a friend from the State Government who came for Divisional level training. Apart from other revenue training, we had to attend the Panchayat Development Sector Training as well. Sri Kumarasamy, an under Secretary in Govt. (Public) Dept. came for training in my Division. It was my usual routine to impart training not only in official work but in spiritual line also. I used to narrate my experiences to them. So also, I was telling my friend that our Master would take care of us if one surrenders to him totally i.e. without any reservation. THEY WOULD PROTECT US LIKE THE BARK PROTECTING THE GREEN TREE AND IT WOULD BE TIMELY.
As Asst. Returning Officer, I was given a special secret seal (confidential). This was of utmost importance and secrecy. Only the officer should handle this and not any one else. The loss or misplacement would lead to serious consequences, at times the tampering of seal would lead to nullification of elections. The seal had to be put on the Lock of the strong room which stored the polled Ballet boxes. Along with this the candidates would also place their respective seals to ensure the secrecy and security of polled materials. On the day of counting the seal was to be broken and the lock of the strong room was to be opened.
On that particular day the arrival of polled ballet boxes were so late that we had to wait till 4:00 am. However, the boxes were received and were kept in safe custody. As it was late I thought of going home for some time and so the secret seal was left with my immediate Senior Officer. This was quite contrary to the rules. I should not have given it to him. But as the circumstances were pressing I had to resort to this. But we returned soon. Just while coming, after taking bath I was telling my friend, the under Secretary (Training) that the Master's help would just be in time and we would be protected and safeguarded under any eventuality. As we were approaching the Strong Room where the polled ballet boxes were kept the Chief Returning Officer, then Dist. Revenue Officer came and asked me about the secret seal given to me was safe or not. At that time my Senior Asst. who kept the seal was standing behind me and he immediately handed over the seal without the knowledge of the C.R.O. I immediately showed the same to C.R.O. and he was satisfied.
All happened in a split second. If I would have failed to produce the seal to the C.R.O I would have been placed under suspension and there would be unnecessary delay in the conduct of election proceedings. But my Master saved me at the appropriate time. The under Secretary (Training) was much astonished to see things happening dramatically and the timely production of the seal saved the situation. He was much impressed by the real happenings in life. Such episode he had never witnessed in life.
All happened due to the Grace of my Beloved Master who is the embodiment of compassion and love.

Chapter 6
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji
My Health Problem:
While I was at Tiruvannamalai I had some health problems. I had high blood sugar as well as high blood pressure. Adding to this I even had great difficulty in raising my right hand even up to the shoulder level. So to say I was becoming a physically incapacitated person due to these problems. But all these did not deter me to have dharshan of my Master Sri Swami Yogi Ramasurathkumar. By the grace of my Master I was attending to my official duties without any difficulty.
At one stage a friend of mine suggested a medical check up at the Mission Hospital at Chetpet in Tiryvannamalai Division. It was a German Mission Hospital with all modern facilitates for treatment. I had a checkup done for the blood sugar, blood pressure and also for the trouble for raising the right arm. I was advised to be hospitalized and to undergo treatment for these complaints. For the trouble in right arm I was advised to undergo an operation in the spinal cord. The chief physician told me that a ring in the spinal cord was worn out and that should be set right by a surgical operation and I therefore I needed to be hospitalized for at least three months. I told them that as I had some urgent official work, which required my immediate presence, so I could not comply with their advice. But they warned me of the serious consequence if I overlooked this and the need to undergo the operation.
I came to Sri Swamiji and narrated the whole episode. Sri Swamiji asked me about my transfer to Vridhachalam for which I had already received orders but I was waiting for the replacement officer to come so that I can hand over the charge. Sri Swamiji advised me to get myself relieved.

Unconscious State:
I joined in Vridhachalam division as per the advice of Sri Swamiji and here also also I had very tough time. I had to travel intensively without getting any rest. It so happened that one day while I was discussing an important problem with the Dist. Collector in his Chamber I fell unconscious there itself. Immediately I was given some first aid. On regaining consciousness I told my wife and friends that I should be immediately be taken to Tiruvannamalai to see SriSwamiji and accordingly I was taken to Sri Swamiji at Thiruvannamalai.

Meeting Sri Swamiji (His generous Nature based Medical Help):
On seeing my predicament SriSwamiji simply laughed telling "This Beggar stopped Viswanathji from taking his treatment at the Mission Hospital at Chetpet. But there is nothing to worry". Thus saying Sri Swamiji prescribed to take the dried lobes of Goose Berry (Nellikkal Vathai) daily in the morning in empty stomach. The dried lobes of Nellikkai has to be put in a glass of full water overnight and the juice taken in the early morning on empty stomach.
As for the trouble in my right arm Sri Swamiji gave me one Silver wrist-let to be worn. I wore it and the trouble in the arm also vanished gradually along with the Sugar and B.P by taking the Nellikkai Juice daily. Sri Swamiji gave me a work that was to propagate the efficacy of the Nellikkai to all whom I came across and try to convert every home into a "Nellikkai Home". I am still doing this propaganda showing my own example. Thus Sri Swamiji helped me even to overcome physical ailment and disorder.
While I was in Tiruvannamalai I developed summer's heat boils, which could not be controlled by English Medicine. Sri Swamiji prescribed the application of Sandal oil & paste and besides this I was given a handmade palmyrah leaf fan to be used. I still keep it with all sacredness. I was fully recovered from this as well and joined Vridhachalam division.

At Vridhachalam:
After few days Sri Swamiji told me the secret of asking me to join at Vridhachalam. He told that Sri Vridhagireeswrar would help me arrange the marriage of my 2nd & 3rd daughters which is a great feat and that too within one year.

Railway Journey Episode:
I was working in Pattukottai (Tanjore Dist.). I had an urge to meet Sri Swamiji to get his blessings. So I came to Tiruvannamalai by bus. I reached the residence of Sri Swamiji by 9:00 pm. I just entered the house and prostrated at his Lotus Feet. At the same time a messenger came and informed Sri Swamiji that some 20 persons have come to have Dharsan from Sivakasi. Usually Sri Swamiji would ask me to stay with him and I can leave only with his blessings and when he permitted. But on that particular day Sri Swamiji asked me to I leave immediately all of a sudden. At the next moment he asked me "Where would you go at this late hour? This beggar has asked you to go". I replied that since Sri Swamiji has given permission leave so I will proceed. At this Sri Swamiji said "Father is with you, you can go". After prostrating at his Lotus Feet I started from there. Sri Swamiji's compassion and love knew no bound.
Chapter 7
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji
Ticket Purchased:
After reaching the station since I could not get time to purchase the ticket I boarded the train and informed the guard that I am entering the compartment and I shall purchase a ticket at the next station where the train will stop. To this he readily agreed and I got a comfortable seat. As soon as I sat I fell asleep. The Railway guard waked me up with a ticket in his hand. I never gave him money to purchase ticket but the guard gave me a ticket to Villupuram. It is really a strange episode that a Railway employee purchases a ticket for a passenger that too without payment of fair. When I gave the money he refused to take ii. In my wonder I asked the name of the good philanthropic friend who was so kind enough to a passenger, a rare thing to meet in these days. He said that his name was "Ramchandran". See the strange coincidence Sri Swamiji who always repeats the name of Lord Rammer has come and helped me. Sri Swamiji's words "Father is with you" is the word of TRUTH nothing less.

Bus Journey to Tanjore:
From Villupuram I had to go by bus to Tanjore. All the busses were full and there was not even a standing place available. But in one bus the conductor called out that there was only one seat available. I was the only person who was travelling alone since others came in groups. To my good luck by the grace of Sri Swamiji I got accomodated in the bus also. The words of Sri Swamiji have got such magnetic power which guarded me at every stage to reach my destination. All due to the Blessings of Sri Swmaiji.

Transport of Household articles from Pattukottai:
On joining the new office at Pattukottai I immediately rushed to Tiruvannamalai to get the blessings of my Master. Sri Swamiji made enquiries of all the family members. Then I was asked about the house-hold articles at Pattukottai. I told Sri Swamiji that as I was much pressed for finance but earlier I thought that the things would be transported leisurely. Sri Swamiji who scented some trouble immediately gave me the required amount to transport the goods without any loss of time. I implicitly obeyed him and proceeded to Patukottai and made arrangements to get the goods transported. As always this was also a timely help given to me by Sri Swamiji. Otherwise there was every reason to believe that something would have happened at Puttukkottai in spite of all precautions and safety. Such is the compassion and love for his devotees from the Master.

Second Daughter's Marriage:
I have five daughters and before coming to Thiruvannamalai I finished the marriage of my first daughter. It is a separate unforgettable experience, a miracle worked out by another "DIVINE MAN" with whom I was in close contact for nearly 3 years during my stay at Madurai district.
After leaving Thiruvannamalai while I was at Vridhachalam my second daughter's marriage was also fixed by the blessings of Sri Swamiji. I went to get his blessings. I had a friend who was the P.A to the collector (L.R) and he also accompanied me to Swamiji’s place. He sat as a witness when Sri Swamiji narrated the manner in which marriage would be conducted. Sri Swamiji said that marriage would happen in such a grand manner that it will be like the reception accorded by Sri Baradwaja Maharishi in Ramayana to Sri Bharatha where all were looked after very well although Sri Baradwaja Maharishi had no financial resources, as he was a saint. All the guests were accommodated very well and all were satisfied. Sri Swamiji said that in my case also this would happen and the P.A collector who would act as a witness to the grand ceremony.
The marriage was conducted in a choultry with two floors. In the ground floor the meal section was arranged and at the first Floor the ritual courses was conducted. As I was the father of the bride I had to be on the first Floor and I could not come to the ground floor at all to receive the guests. But as per the statement of the eye witness, the P.A. to the collector, I was there at two places i.e. at the ground floor as well as at the fuirst floor at the same time which was really a great feat. Sir Swamiji has taken a form similar to mine and attended the guests who came to the marriage and blessed them. The friend narrated the episode to Sri Swamiji that I enquired to each and every guest who took meals at the ground floor, which was quite unbelievable. To my conscience I was at the first floor alone and did not come down at all. How this happened is a "Miracle".
Added to this, when I took the newly wedded couple to get the blessings of our Master Sri Swamiji told that "Viswanathji you will be conducting your third daughter’s marriage before the next year i.e. within one year time". When I asked him how this could happen as I was already financially overburdened then how could I undertake the next daughter’s marriage. For this Sri Swamiji said "you are not conducting, my Father is conducting the marriage. You need not worry" So also it happened. The third daughter's marriage was conducted by the grace of Sri Swamiji in succeeding July whereas the second daughter's marriage was conducted in the previous September. For conducting the third daughter's marriage Sri Swamiji helped me in all the ways including finances to get over the difficulty. A great thing in the life of a man.

Chapter 8
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji
Narration of experiences with other saints:
During the early days of my association with Sri Yogi Ramsurat kumarji I often used to make mention and narrated to him my experiences with the great Saint Sri Muniyandi Swamigal of Rengapalayam in Tirumangalam Taluk of Madurai District and that of Sri Periyavar Ramamoorthyji of Krishnagiri "Anmeega Nilayam". One day I was prompted to seek permission to arrange for the meeting of the two great living Saints Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar and Sri Periyavar Ramamoorthy. Sri Swamiji readily accorded the permission for the same. Here I have to mention that the very object of transferring me from Krishnagiri was to fulfill this mission, so the meeting was arranged by the "DIVINE BLESSINGS".

Blessed The Party:
On the appointed day the Divine Party with the leader Sri Periyavar came to Tiruvannamalai to have Dharsan of Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar. In that party Sri Periyavar Ramamoorthiji's parents, uncle and aunty with whom Sri Periyavar stayed from school days also came. Few other persons were there with him, Sri Ramesh an inseparable companion of Sri Periyavar and a muslim lady who was very ardent devotee of Sri Periyavar and she was prepared to sacrifice anything for the sake of Sri Periyavar, who gave the lady a new life altogether, in physical, mental and spiritual aspects. Sri Dhayanidhi another devoted soul was also among them. Their main and sole object was to have Dharsan of The God Child of Tiruvannamalai Sri Ramsuratkumarji.

Preparation for meeting of saints:
My family members received Sri Periyavar and his party and they were accommodated in the temple lodge (Unnamalaiyammar Lodge). After taking rest for a while Sri Periyavar wanted me to ascertain the time to meet Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumarji. Accordingly I met the God Child and the time was arranged at 8:00 pm the same evening for the Dharsan.

Actual Meeting:
Meanwhile we took Bhiksha for Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumarji as usual. All of a sudden Sri Swamiji informed our family members that we were proceeding to meet Sri Periyavar and party to the lodge. So we took the Bhiksha and accompanied Sri Swamiji.
At the entrance of the room where Sri Periyavar was staying a devotee of Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumaji crossed us which Sri Swamiji did not relish. When the devotee came to touch the Holy Feet of Sri Swamiji he allowed. Swamiji did not like this since his mind was interrupted by the simple unintentional act of the devotee. But Sri Swamiji pardoned the devotee.
We entered the room of Sri Periyavar all of a sudden which no one expected. The plan was to meet Sri Swamiji at my residence and not at the Lodge. Sri Periyavar rushed to the entrance to receive Sri Swamiji with open arms. Both held their folded hands for some time. The Silent communication of the two great living Saints cannot be described in words, the silent searching looks between them was so deep that it was unfathomable, unpredictable, and inexplicable and beyond words of expression and imagination indeed. After some silent moments both laughed heartily and began to converse in the usual mundane manner. All the members of the party who came to have dharshan of Sri Swamiji were introduced and they received "DIVINE BLESSINGS" of Sri Swamiji. The meeting was like that of very old associated persons separated by sheer circumstances and time has once again united them. It had all the warmth, pleasure and "DIVINITY HIDDEN" in it. The mundane eyes could not visualize such "DIVINE ACTIVITIES".

Divine Meeting Continues:
Suddenly Sri Swamiji asked me to narrate the episode with Sri Muniyandi Swami. Such narration had been repeated earlier as well. Yet again I was asked to do so. In fact Sri Periyavar had also known about this.

Chapter 9

Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji
Second day meeting:
At one stage when I narrated the episode of the Dharshan of the Guru of Sri Muniyandi, Sri KAMALANDAR, who still lived even after 2000 years of his samadhi and often gave dharshan to the true devotees. I narrated the incident. I was asked to come to the particular place by Sri Muniyandi Swamiji at about 11:00 pm to have the Dharshan or Sri Guruji. The night was pitching dark and there was no sound of even the insects. I was taken to the spot by Sri Muniyandi Swamigal. Camphor was lighted on a "stone slab" the peedha with some betel leaf along with some fruits were offered.
Sri Muniyandi Swamigal informed me that I would get the dharsan of the guru in quite different form than that of human as the time was not ripe enough to have such dharsan. Suddenly there appeared a DONKEY the sight of which was so uncommon in such a place where there was no dwelling not to speak of that of dhobis. Sri Muniyandi Swamiji immediately asked me to watch closely and pray to his animal form. Implicitly obeying Sri Muniyandi Swami I stood with all humbleness in silent prayer. The donkey just sniffed the betel leaf and fruits in token of acceptance and vanished in to the air in our own presence. At this point Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumarji explained that "The Guru" was like a donkey, who takes the soiled souls of the devotees and cleanse them of the KARMASA and make them ready to be accepted by God. Such a suitable and deep meaningful explanation was given by the divine grace. Such was the affection of Sri Swamiji to spell out the DIVINE DOINGS.
Sri Swamiji again asked me to repeat the other episode also and laughed in his own inimitable manner, the DIVINE LAUGH which still resounds in my ears. Sri Swamiji explained to us about the appearance of the Great Yogi who though parted from this world some 2000 years back still appears before the devotees who pray with all sincerity, shradha and selflessness.

God's compassion for devotees:
Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumarji was very fond of devotional music. He requested any one of the party to sing a song. Sri Periyavar asked his aunty Ms. Mahalakshmi to do so. She sang the composition of Sri Subramanya Bharathy in her own melodious voice. It was about the appearance of God to true devotees call and He comes and works even as servant doing all odd jobs like washing cloth, taking care of children, etc. Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar explained to us that Lord comes to the HELP of the devoted soul who SURRENDERS UNCONDITIONALY. Such was the Love and compassion of Lord for His children. This song was repeated many times and every time Sri Swamiji laughed heartily in His own inimitable manner after hearing the song.

Third day meeting:
The meeting of the two great Living Saints lasted for 3 days without any break. Meals, refreshment and everything else were supplied to all the members at the same place, not wasting even a moment’s time. Sri Swamiji often said during this time that if only one has done very great "PUNYA" one can witness such an event and that too for such a long period of 3 days and 3 nights. A rare opportunity in a man's life indeed.
The whole environment was charged with DIVINITY where members who were present including me did never feel tired or sleepy at any stage, a very rare experience indeed. The presence of the two great living saints gave physical, mental and spiritual strength to us to witness such "DIVINE COMMUNICATION" which cannot be described in words. To my good luck I had 3 day continuous holiday with no other pressing official engagements.

Recording the Procedure:
At one stage both the saints allowed us to take photographs of the event. Even the dialogue and episode were tape recorded which are still available to the benefit of mankind. 
During that meeting one day Sri Swamiji narrated a great secret of how his Guru "Sri Thulsi Das" helped Periyavar even without the knowledge of Sri Periyavar. It was in the repayment of the advance that Sri Periyavar received in his official capacity in "Poorva Asrama" as a Gram Sevak in his early days. Sri Swamiji compared this episode with that of the experiences of Sri Badrachala Ramdas who drained the exchequer in building the temple for Sri Rama.  Sri Ramadas was imprisoned by the Navab of Hyderabad and how he was saved by Sri Rama, who came in the form of a prince and repaid the debt and got release of Sri Ramadas from jail. Likewise, Sri Periyavar's guruji repaid the debt without the knowledge of Sri Periyavar. Sri Periyavar was astonished to hear this episode that was not known to him before.

Chapter 10
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji

Power of true Bhakthi:
During those most memorable 3 days, one day Sri Swamiji narrated the story of great Lord Siva devotee Sri 'UDHANNA'. Lord Siva came to the devotee and served him as a servant doing all help to perform Siva Pooja. Even "Ganga Jala" was brought for the pooja by the Lord for the sake of the Bhaktha. But on knowing that Lord Siva himself has come to help him in the pooja Sri Udhanna was humbled very much taking new dimensions in Bhakthi.
Here Sri Swamiji explained how Lord is prepared to come to the sincere call of Bakhthas casting away all the distinction and formalities. One should surrender to God without any reservations, "Ananya Saranagathi"

Tamil Translation:
At this point when Sri Swamiji enquired the Muslim lady who accompanied Sri Periyavar whether she could follow the story narrated in English. Sri Periyavar for the sake of the devotees translated the same in to simple Tamil. For this Sri Swamiji said to Sri Periyavar "You have done it well, more than the Beggar" and gave a heartily laugh.
Then Sri Swamiji asked the Muslim lady devotee whether she knew Hindi and talked to her in pure Hindi in his own inimitable musical tone, which rings in our ears till now, about the love and affection of Lord to his devotees for their sincere and unconditional surrender to him. At another stage Mrs. Mahalakshmi mother of Sri Periyavar asked whether her offerings could be accepted daily. For this Sri Swamiji replied, "You have a figure or Photo of this Beggar. Place your offerings before it and that would be accepted". No doubt that this explains the compassion of Sri Swamiji. This shows that a saint accepts the humble offerings of devotees from far or near alike. This reminds us of Lord Krishna's sayings in Bagavath Geetha where it is said "Pathram, Pushpam, Thoyam Yo May Bakhthya". Anything offered by true devotee irrespective of the offer whether big or small, but done with all sincerity is accepted by Lord.
Such was the experience undergone by those present at the "HOLY ASSEMBLY OF 2 GREAT LIVING SAINTS" that cannot be explained in words but could only be experienced in depth quite fresh with fragrance of DIVINE LOVE and compassion. A rare opportunity in one's life. There were many other occasions when the 2 great living Saints have met and I had the rare privilege to witness them.

Release of Book:
Yet on another occasion Sri Yogi Ram Suratkumarji received the copy of the Tamil Book "Aathigamam & Nathigamum" by Sri Periyavar. For this book Sri Swamiji wrote a note of Blessings where in it was mentioned that "Sri Periyavar is so dear and near to the Lord and those who read this book will be blessed by Lord Himself without any doubt".

My other part of Mission to T.V. Malai:
For Sri Periyavar there were very many occasion to meet Sri Swamiji. Sri Periyavar had attended the Tamil discourse "on spiritual thoughts" on almost on all weekends, in and around Tiruvannamalai in the radius of about 150 Km upto Sholinger in the extreme. On all such occasions Sri Periyavar would meet Sri Swamiji without fail.

Sri Periyavar coming by bike to T.V. Malai:
One day Sri Periyavar came in Motor Bike from Krishnagiri to Tiruvannamalai to meet Sri Swamiji. I had to go to Krishnagiri to meet Sri Periyavar. In my return I expressed my desire to go to Tiruvannamalai to have Dharshan of Sri Swamiji. Sri Periyavar and Sri Rajagopal came by motor bike while the aunty of Sri Periyavar and my family members came by car. At Tiruvannamalai Living Saints were together for more than 2 hours and Sri Periyavar returned to Krishnagiri and I returned to Vridhachalam where I was working.

Chapter 11
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji
Introduction of New College Principal:
While I was working at Tiruvannamalai as D.D.O, I had a friend Sri S.R who somehow happened to have the blessings of Sri Periyavar from his days in Madurai itself. In fact the 1st ever outdoor meeting of Sri Periyavar was arranged only at the promise of Sri S.R, who was running a residential school. Sri S.R was transferred to Tiruvannamalai Govt. Arts College as Principal from Cheyyar. On joining duty he was to go on long leave to seek a place nearby to live. So my friend Sri S.R came to me for taking leave of me. When he met me I was preparing to go to meet Sri Swamiji with the daily night course of Bhiksha. When I told Sri S.R that I am proceeding to meet Sri Swamiji he expressed a desire to have his dharshan since he had read about Swamiji in the Tamil monthly "Kalaimagal" by Sri K.V.Jagannathan who was a great writer. We both saw Sri Swamiji, who was sitting in a dark corner of a "Big car shed" of Sri Arunachlaswarar. I introduced Sri S.R to Sri Swamiji and he told that nobody could do his transfer however powerful he may be. Thus the posting of transfers of devotees are influenced by the DIVINE HAND.

Tamil Translation:
At one stage on the date of reopening of the Arts College, they had a plan to create confusion in the college by starting a strike. Sri S.R came to get the Blessings of Sri Swamiji. At the same time Sri Periyavar has proposed to come to Tiruvannamalai. But it was a day of bus strike. Sri Swamiji and I were waiting for the arrival of Sri Periyavar. I thought that the bus strike would make Sri Periyavar to change his program and the chances of arrival of Sri Periyavar are remote. But suddenly Sri Swamiji asked me to take the following in writing. It was the sloka from Srimad Bagavath Geeta, where in it was stated that "For saints who are beyond the dual like, like-dislike work-no work, are not at all affected by any obstructions. Their determinations cannot be changed". So also it was in the case of Sri Periyavar. So it did happen. Sri Periyavar came to Tiruvannamalai as programmed at the appropriate time irrespective of the external predicament. Sri Swamiji was asking me to contact Sri S.R by phone and get the real situation at the College campus every 5 minutes. I was doing so. At one stage I was told that the Principal Sri S.R has gone to address the striking students. Next minute I got the news that all the students attended the classes without any clamor.
During the lunch time Sri S.R the Principal came to the lodge where Sri Swamiji and Sri Periyavar of Krishanigiri were staying to get their Blessings. Sri S.R narrated the incidence verbatim that how he went to the pedestal to speak and how the whole environment was changed with rage and anger on the call from Sri S.R and how all the clamoring students were silenced as if by a Divine Force without any compulsion or harassment and now they all left to attend their classes without a word. It was quite dramatic indeed. But all with the help of I great living saint at Tiruvannamalai, a great tragedy was averted as per the version of the R.D.O. & Police D.S.P. The great 2 living saints worked in unison for the establishment of Law & order to help a true devotee Sri S.R. The people behind the disturbances who had vested interest in doing this were made as null & void by the "DIVINE BLESSINGS". They can do & undo things for the sake of the devotees strange are the working of "DIVINE GRACE".

On one another occasion Sri Periyavar has proposed to come to Tiruvannamalai. But it was a day of Bus strike. Swamiji & I were waiting for the arrival of Sri Periyavar. I thought that the bus strike would make Sri Periyavar to change his program and the chances of his arrival were remote. That was my opinion but suddenly Sri Swamiji asked me to take the following in writing. It was a sloka from Bhagawat Geetha, where in it is stated that "The saints are not at all affected by any obstructions. Their determination cannot be changed at all.". So also was the case of Sri Periyavar who came to Tiruvannamalai as programmed at the appropriate time irrespective of the external predicament.

Bhagwath Geetha - Chapter 15, 5th Verse:
"nirmana-moha jita-sanga- dosa
adhyatma-nitya vinivrtta-kamah
dvandvair vimuktah sukha-dukha-samjnair
gacchanty amudhah padam avyayam tat".

"Devoid of false ego and elusion,
Free from degraded association,
Perceptive of the etenrnal and transitory,
Disassociated from lust,
Completed liberated from the dualities identified as happiness and distress,
The wise reach the imperishable shelter of the supreme Lord."

This was a very good episode to show that the minds of great saints work in unison, though they may be at different places.

Question put to Sri Swamiji was answered by Sri Periyavar:
One of my college friends, who didn’t have much faith in the saints, asked some questions to Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumarji. But some body who was present with Sri Swamiji replied to him that the questions would be answered within a week i.e. before next Saturday evening. It was as unexpected but very much powerful reply which the person did not speak by his own. He spoke in the spur of the moment.
Meanwhile it so happened that the discourse by Sri Periyavar Ramamoorthy was arranged at the temple premises at Sholingar, some 150 km away from Tiruvannamalai. I went to the program along with the other devotees. The person who asked the questions to Sri Swamiji at Tiruvannamalai was also among those who came. For him it was the first speech to be heard from Sri Periyavar. Though he had no real faith in such lectures, he was doing so just to keep company and to satisfy the persons who had faith. All of us reached the temple at Sholingar by 6:30 pm and the discourse of Sri Periyavar commenced. As Sri Periyavar was continuing the lecture, in the course of the talk the answers for the questions asked by the friend at Tiruvannamalai to Sri Yogi Ramasuratkumarji were coming one by one. The particular friend who put the questions to Sri Swamiji at Tiruvannamalai was spell bound by the strange incidence of getting a reply for his questions from a different person i.e. other then to whom it was put. The reply was that for the questions put to Sri Swamiji at Tiruvannamalai last week by the same came through Sri Periyavar the very exact day which was mentioned by another person present on that day with Swamiji. The strange fact is that the friend who put the questions to Sri Swamiji at Tiruvannamalai had not met Sri Periyavar at all.
This goes to prove that though Sri Swamiji of Tiruvannamalai is quite different in age behavior and mannerisms from Sri Periyavar of Krishnigiri, they are one in thought, word and deed. It is strange for us but is possible for the saints. "Ayekyva Morthi...". All great men are part of the magnificent garland worn by Lord. "SUTHRAE MANIGANA EVA".

Sri Swamiji in my residence:
One day Sri Swamiji asked me to bring my car. He wanted to come to my home for some reason. On arrival he wanted me to sit at my seat and attend to my office work. Then he held palmyrah fan in his hand in my direction and did gape. Meantime he wanted to smoke. I gave him a plastic dish in the place of Ash Tray. He spent 30 minutes in my house after taking some milk. After this he touched a barren orange tree which afterwards gave many fruits. Then he blessed us all and departed. I dropped Swamiji at his residence in my car.

Chapter 12
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji
Sri Swamiji at Principal's house:
On the same evening Sri Swamiji wanted to go to the residence of the college principal. About him I have already made mention. We went by car. Sri Swamiji enquired about "Theses" he was writing about one famous Tamil Vashnavate devotee of Sri Perimal. His name was Sri Thirumangai Allwair. Sri Swamiji then explained the significance of the great devotee who was blessed by Lord Krishna. Then we all returned to Sri Swamiji's residence by car.

Receiving Prasad from Sri Swamiji:
Earlier I had mentioned about the marriage of my third daughter for which Sri Swamiji helped me a lot. Remembering the date of marriage Sri Swamiji sent Prasad through a special messenger. That gentleman hat]d to take charge of the new post at vridhachalam. He was asked by Sri Swamiji to hand over the Prasad to me before he joins duty. He gave me the Prasad which was given with the blessings of Sri Swamiji. We were very fortunate enough to get the Prasad in time.

A Car accident averted:
One day I started in my car to Tiruvannamalai with my family to get the blessings of Sri Swamiji. We were with Sri Swamiji till 730 pm after which Sri Swamiji gave permission to leave the place. He particularly asked me to drop a letter on my arrival at Vridhachalam. At that time I didn’t know the importance. On our way there was heavy rain and we felt the water under our feet. We did not know the reason. On arrival we all got down from the car. The driver examined underneath of the car. To his surprise he saw the bolt connecting the body of the car with the wheel was missing and that caused the water to come inside the car. Only with the grace of Sri Swamiji we reached the place with out any accident.
As instructed by Sri Swamiji I wrote a letter and posted that in the letter box. Sri Swamjij who knew every thing before hand had asked me to drop a letter. Sri Swamiji is so compassionate to us.

Efficacy of Lord's name:
One day I went to see Sri Swamiji with my family. A gentleman from Madras also came there with his family. The whole family chanted one song on Lord Murga. It was SKNDHASHASTI-KAVACHA. Sri Swamiji wanted them to repeat for thirty six times which would bring them prosperity & peace. They did as Sri Swamiji wished. Then all of us were blessed by him. On Completion of the recitation I just enquired Sri Swamiji whether it was not enough to utter the name of Sri Swamiji ONCE. Sri Swamiji laughed heartily & said "All depends upon Shraddha."

My unexpected trip to KANJANAKAD in Karnataka:
After my retirement when I met Sri Swamiji he wanted me to go to his Master's place in Karnataka. For some reason or the other it could not be carried out. But all of sudden I bolted away from my house in Dharampuri in Tamilnadu. I had no money. I did not know where I was going? In the bus stand a friend of mine just put to rupees 200/- in my pocket in spite of my reluctance.
I boarded the bus to Erode. From there I travelled to Coimbatore by bus. Even then I did not know my destination. Then I took a ticket by rail to casorkode. I had never visited this place yet I was forced to go by some supernatural power. From there I went to Kanjanakad - Anandaashram the place of Sri Papaji. I spent nearly fifteen days at this place. Meanwhile my people were searching for me.
Then a friend of mine who was also a devotee of Sri Swamiji came there. He enquired about me and he informed Sri Swamiji of my presence there at the ashram. Sri Swamiji immediately gave a telegram to my people at Dharampuri to fetch me. Meanwhile I was fully enjoying the Bliss of Ram Nam from morning till evening. Then my people came & took me back to Dharampuri. To say in fact I was going to the Ashram as if in "Trans". I was attracted by his powerful spiritual magnet. After that I had been to T.V.Malai with my family. On seeing me he burst in to his inimitable laughter. Then he wanted my family i.e. my wife & my last daughter who was in the army, to go to ashram. We did so. The samadhi of Sri Papaji was filled with spiritual vibration of Ramnam. If anyone goes there he will surely forget the whole world.

Chapter 13
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji
Incident when the pilgrim party of Sri Periyavar was saved:
Sri Periyavar in one of his books had mentioned this episode when the bus they were traveling had a very narrow escape without any accident. Somehow or the other they reached T.V.Malai. On hearing this news Sri Swamiji immediately came to that spot where the bus was standing. He walked inside the bus up & down three times & blessed all who travelling in that bus.

My last daughter in Jammu:
My last daughter was serving in the army hospital in Jammu, which was the target of attack by the militants, was caught in a problem. I represented her case to save her from this pitiable situation. Sri Swamiji who was at T.V. Malai blessed my daughter who was in Jammu. For him time & distance is not a bar.

While at T.V. Malai Sri Swamiji asked my family to take the mountain path with a friend of mine who was the P.A to Collector. He also wanted us to take some edibles from the lady who used to give edibles to Sri Swamiji often. We all obeyed his instruction & took the edibles given by the lady as prasad. No one knew for what purpose Sri Swamiji asked us to do this. We all enjoyed the girivalim while repeating the name of Sri Swamiji all the while.

Triveni Sagama:
While at T.V. Malai one day we had a rare meeting of a friend of mine, Gajaraj who was also staunch devotee of Sri Swamiji. Sri Swamiji informed us that it was the TRIVENI SANGAMA of the three of us. We all took food in one leaf, a very rare incident in one's life to have food with a great Saint & that too sharing the leaf with him.

Sri Periyavar about Sri Swamiji:
On one of the birthday celebrations of Sri Swamiji at Pondicherry, Sri Periyavar spoke at length about Sri Swamiji & he remembered the days spent with him in T.V. Malai during his meeting with Sri Swamiji. He then asked all of us to follow the instructions of Sri Swamiji. And that would be the best service one could ever dream of.

Chapter 14
Yogi Ramsurat Kumarji

While I was at Virudhachalam I had a rare experience of the strength of sincere prayer. I and the Deputy Collector had a common program in Chinna Kallarayan Hills. One morning, we started by jeep without even taking breakfast. Our idea was to have the same on the way at Athur, where we could get a good breakfast. On our way I said, "ALL INCIDENTS are predestined and not accidental".
On entering the Hotel my friend ordered for some edibles but the waiter replied that only coffee was available. Since a marriage party had arrived just before us, they have exhausted all the edibles. We had no other alternative than to have a simple coffee. I casually remarked "this is only the beginning". As programmed we completed the arrangements for the collectors visit on the ensuing day. The function was the inauguration of LAMP (Large Multipurpose Society) for welfare of tribal people. We returned to the headquarters the same day.
Next morning we accompanied the District Collector of South Arcot at the Hills. The function was well conducted and all of us returned to Kallakurichi, where the collector camped at the T.B., before taking leave of collector an episode happened.
The collector was a strict disciplinarian and he expected the same from his subordinates. Suddenly he said to my friend that he well take up the annual inspection of his office on the coming Monday. i.e., after 24 hours. This was on the midnight on Saturday and in those days the second Saturday was a holiday. But now all Saturdays are holidays. My friend pleaded for some more time since he was not prepared. All this was in vain. The collector was just adamant. So we had to take leave of him with a heavy heart. On returning both of us were in one jeep. My friend who was in a pitiable plight was suddenly upset by Collectors utterances. Mean time I was praying in my heart for my friend's situation.
Suddenly I told my friend "Collector is not coming for inspection of your office on the day fixed" for this my friend remarked, he will surely stick up to his program at any cost. I kept mum. Any how we reached our headquarters by 1:30 am. On the arrival I had a telegram from Sri Periyavar Rammoorthy of Krishnagiri, asking me to attend the "Boomi Pooja" for the Ashram to be constructed there. I suddenly phoned up my friend the divisional officer that I was proceeding on permission to Krishanagiri with my family in the early morning. Meanwhile, he tried his best for collector's inspection. But there was no progress at all. He said over phone you are also going. What will I do? I told him that the call was from above and I am helpless.
Early morning my self and my wife started by car to Krishanagiri. We reached there in time and we were with Sri Periyavar till 3:00 pm. I informed Sri Periyavar about the collectors visit on the next day in my office premises i.e., revenue divisional officer’s office. Sri Periyavar simply smiled and said nothing. My wife and I thought that after coming so near to T.V. Malai we should also go and have the Darshan of Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumarji for whom we had privilege of giving bhiksha for one whole year twice a day. We started with blessings of Sri Periyavar to T.V.Malai. We reached Tiruvannamalai by 5.30 pm and had the Dharshan of Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumarji. I informed Sri Swamiji of the District Collectors visit on the next morning. He said nothing. Usually he will ask us to go immediately on such occasions. We thought he will leave us by night. But he asked us to stay in his residence in a separate hall after taking food. We slept well till 5:00 am and then we had Darshan of Sri Swamiji who had arranged for our breakfast. At 7:45 am, Sri Swamiji asked me "Viswanathji if I leave you now at what time you can reach H.Q.? I said by the grace of Sri Swamiji, I can be there in 1.5 hours. Suddenly he said that I am leaving you and you will be there to hear the news.
We reached Virudhachalam by 9:30 am. Immediately I phoned up to my friend, the divisional officer about Collector's visit. Meanwhile I was told that my friend phoned up many times to speak to me. On hearing my voice he said he is coming to see me. On his arrival he thanked me a lot with a very warm smiling face. He told me that yesterday morning he got a message from Collector's camp office about the sudden decision to change his program of coming for inspection. So he was not able to reconcile himself with the changed situation. The District Collector who is famous for sticking up to his program had changed it in spite of his decision. It is really strange in deed. And only your prayer has helped me, he said.
In fact when my friend was in very difficult situation, I had prayed for his relief to God. And that prayer was heard and made the collector change his program. My selfless sincere prayer really worked indeed. This was not to escape the situation, but the unprepared nature of my friend provoked me to pray for him from that day onwards my friend used to discuss spiritual matters with me.
There was another episode at Dharamapuri, were the same friend and myself where working together when we had experience with Sri Rammoorthyji of Krishnagiri, this is discussed elsewhere.

Treatment for a surgeon:
On one occasion I was with Sri Swamiji with my family. Then a surgeon from Madurai came to Sri Swamiji. He was an ex-army man. I seemed he was wounded by a bullet on his right hand which made it impossible for him to do any surgery. He was a cardiac surgeon. Sri Swamiji gave him power treatment i.e. water was poured on his hand without any break. He felt all right. I happened to meet him in Madurai when he told me that because of Sri Swamiji he was now able to perform operations without any difficulty.  Sri Swamji's Lotus Feet.